Almost all cryptocurrency owners want to use their assets to pay for goods and services

3 out of 5 owners of cryptocurrencies are interested in using them to ensure the security and confidentiality of payments

More than half of the surveyed crypto owners want to use their digital assets for payments. They value the inability to track such transactions, as the profile survey shows.

59% of people who want to own cryptocurrencies, but have never bought them yet, are also interested in using such a tool to pay for goods and services. Over 90% of the current owners of cryptocurrencies are already openly ready for this.

Also, more than 50% of current crypto owners want to make payments online. The main condition, they note, is the availability of automatic quick means of payment from sellers.

In June 2021, a study was published among millennials. Over 90% of current or ex-crypto owners in this age group want to pay for purchases with digital assets on a day-to-day basis.

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